Who We Are
St. Mark’s is a community comprised of mostly hope-filled and faithful people who are committed to the mission of the Church—to restore all people to unity with God and each other through Christ.
Our Core Values
The following values are what we have determined to be the most important to us as a community. These values inform our decisions, summarize what we protect, and inform how we go about our collective ministries. While striving to keep Jesus at the center of all we do, St. Mark’s is commited to living into the following core values:

Affirming: We recognize and celebrate the diversity of all God’s people and strive to honor and respect one another’s uniqueness.
Community: We nurture authentic and caring relationships across generations.
Outreach: We follow Jesus’s example through witnessing and serving with generous and thankful hearts.
Grace: We offer compassion to all, refraining from negativity when our personal expectations aren’t met.
Spiritual Growth: We teach, guide, and joyfully support one another in living each day more like Jesus.
Our Call: We strive to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
Our Ministry Priorities
St. Mark’s has developed an iterative strategic plan. Each of the following mission priorities have a visioning team stewarding the advancement of each of the priorities and have developed three-five-year goals, one-year benchmarks, and strategic next steps. The following are the ministry priorities that have helped us focus our ministry efforts.
With intention and purpose, St. Mark’s will become:
- A church for all ages/generationally sustainable and relevant
- Indispensable in the greater Venice community
- A place that helps people deeply engage in growing in their faith and relationship with God and neighbor
- Financially sustainable